Ryukyu Coalition Summer Camp-Seminar
Sunday July 2, 2017
Westgate Resort Las Vegas, NV Paradise Event Center
Founder Featuring classical Okinawan weaponry kata, weapons fighting techniques, Tuite Jitsu, Atemi Jitsu and Kyusho Jitsu from the art of Oyata Ryukyu Kempo as passed to Bill Gossett Hanshi, Ryukyu Coalition
Ryukyu Coalition-Titan Games Martial Arts Tournament
Saturday, July 1, 2017
Westgate Resort Las Vegas, NV
Paradise Event Center
Click here for tournament details.
Featured Tournament
Summer Camp Guest
Grand Master Frank Sanchez
Frank Sanchez is a 10th-Degree Black Belt and
one of America's true modern-day martial arts Soke's!
Ryukyu Coalition Summer Camp-Seminar
Sunday July 2 - 10am-2pm
Black Belt Testing and Seminar and Training
Bring all classical Okinawan weaponry for kata and
fighting techniques training
Westgate Resort Las Vegas, NV Paradise Event Center
Black Belt Testing – Sunday July 2nd -In the -AM-
Awards Banquet and Certificate Presentations in the
evening 6:30pmat Riki Tiki Sushi Bar Westgate Resort Hotel 6pm
Seminar Camp Fee – $125.00
Tournament Participant Cost $100.00
Black Belt Testing Fee (All Ranks) - $350.00
All association Fees must be current to test!
For Information Contact : info@ryukyueastasianmartialarts.com or 816-877-4343
Ryukyu Coalition Summer Camp-Seminar
Participant Entry Form
Participants Name:
E mail Address:
Phone number:
Participants Current Rank:
Black Belt Rank Testing For:
Instructors Name:
Instructors Contact Info:
Participation Amount Enclosed $125.00 Non Tournament Participant
$100.00 Tournament Participant
Remit Entry Form To: Ryukyu Coalition 14147 Earthworks Dr. Smithville, MO 64089
Or e mail to info@ryukyueastasianmartial arts.com

Grandmaster Mark Shuey
Koubushi/ Grandmaster
Bill Gossett

Grandmaster Frank Sanchez